Globalisation is in full swing, also in the cigar world. Following the companies Habanos and Davidoff, other large calibre names such as Villiger, Rocky Patel, Perdomo, Oliva, Macanudo & co, are now playing their part on other continents. New world cigars from other countries like Cuba are paddle gaining market share.
Even young, smaller brands are finding their niche in Europe, Asia, India and Australia. It is not a one way street; European labels are surging onto the market in the United States.
This means a change in virtually the reverse direction. The Cigar market is becoming increasingly more international and we are dedicating our title story to the great, international cigar family.
In this issue, you will also read good news from the Nordic countries, such as Denmark, Sweden, the Baltic states, etc. In these places, the cigar seems to be experiencing a small boom. Also in the Balkans, where since recently not only are there many more cigar brands available, but where recognised events such as the Cigar Smoking World Championship are now taking place.
In Eastern Europe, ever more markets are opening up for the enjoyment of cigars, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, Poland and Bulgaria represent growth markets par excellence.
Who would have thought that, even in Australia, the cigar is experiencing a rebirth, despite the enforcement of plain packaging and Draconian display bans of tobacco.
Similar threats loom over Europe, which is why, recently – better late than never – an organisation called Cigar Rights of America (CRE) came into being. From the beginning of 2015, will start their work to stem further bans and the controlling of premium tobacco wares.
If we don’t show our colours now, the World Health Organisation will sweep away everything that for us and for the world remains a beautiful pleasure.This is not pessimism.
To find out more about the world of the cigar, please contact us today at Taylors Tobacconists.