Introduced in 1971 and sharing its dimensions with Cohiba’s Lanceros, the Especial offers a slightly more intense flavour in this elegant size. Montecristo Especial SBN – is a medium-strength cigar that features a shape that regulates internal smoke flow for perfect combustibility and easy draw. Montecristo Especial SBN features the same rich blend of Dominican, Nicaraguan, and Peruvian long-filler tobaccos as its counterpart and delivers an exquisite smoking experience. With a smooth, vintage taste, this cigar is sure to leave a lasting impression. The cigar is rolled in an Ecuadorian sun-grown, Connecticut-seed wrapper that creates an assortment of nuanced, bold flavours that are sure to shock and awe your taste buds as you enjoy every puff of this fine cigar. Order yours Montecristo Especial SBN – Single Cigar today and enjoy a truly magnificent smoking experience!