We stock a vast range of New World Cigars from all around the world.
What makes these cigars special is that they are of great quality, while being much cheaper than Cuban cigars.
The most prestigious New World Cigars are Nicaraguan, Dominican Republic, Honduran, Mexican and from the Philippines.
These cigars share the same passion, value, and ethics as Cuban cigars, and are available through specialist tobacconist shops.
New World Cigars are handmade and are now available to buy online or in-store.
We also stock cigarillos, which are small cigars that can be flavoured.
We stock a wide range of cigarillos and flavoured cigars brands including Backwoods, Villinger, Henri Wintermans, Castella, Meharis, Cuban Minis, Handelsgold. All of which would make great gifts for tobacco enthusiasts.
- Backwoods (1)
- King Edward (2)
- La Paz (1)
- Phillies (1)
- Villiger (2)
- Cigarillos (3)
- Cigars (4)
Showing all 7 results
Producer: PhilliesContact Us to order on 01273 606110