Cohiba Cuban Cigars History
Cuban Cohibas, famously known as Fidel Castro’s preferred smoke, have a reputation of being made from the finest cigar tobacco available in Cuba. This Cuban cigar was introduced to the world in 1966 as Havana’s premier brand and maintains this title due to its extravagance and refined taste.
The brand’s inception can be traced back to when one of Fidel Castro’s bodyguards shared his own personal stash of cigars that had been handmade for him by Eduardo Rivera, a local artisan. Castro was so enamoured with the cigar that he orchestrated a special production of this unbranded blend. They were manufactured under the strictest security for Castro and other top government officials.
When it comes to producing Cohiba cigars, the methodology is scrupulous. While it is pulled from the fields in San Luis and San Juan y Martinez in the Vuelta Abajo region of Pinar del Rio Province, Cohiba’s tobacco must be picked from Vegas Fina de Primera, meaning first class tobacco fields. For example, in 1992, only ten tobacco fields from 700 acres were chosen to make Cohiba cigars.
The company’s first base was a mansion outside of Havana, called the El Languito Factory, where they produced all the Cohiba cigars. In 1961, a cigar rolling school for women was established there in order to up the production levels.
The fact that Cohiba cigars were often given as diplomatic gifts helped them to gain fame throughout the 1900s. The brand eventually reached cult status among aficionados but they were not commercially for sale to the public until 1982. In 1992, Cuba exported approximately 60 million cigars and roughly 3.4 million of those cigars wore the Cohiba label.
Cohiba Cuban Cigars Selection
To see all the cigars that are currently produced by the Cohiba brand, please take a look below:
- Cohiba Behike BHK 52
- Cohiba Behike BHK 54
- Cohiba Behike BHK 56
- Cohiba Coronas Especiales
- Cohiba Exquisitos
- Cohiba Genios Maduro 5
- Cohiba Mágicos Maduro 5
- Cohiba Panetela
- Cohiba Piramides Extra
- Cohiba Robustos
- Cohiba Secretos Maduro 5
- Cohiba Siglo I
- Cohiba Siglo II
- Cohiba Siglo III
- Cohiba Siglo IV
- Cohiba Siglo V
- Cohiba Siglo VI
Contact Us
For any additional information on Cohiba cigars, please feel to contact us at Taylors Tobacconists. We also sell a range of these cigars on our website, should you be interested in purchasing some.