Montecristo Cigars History
Montecristo is a premium Cuban cigars brand manufactured by the Habanos family in Cuba. It is one of the most appreciated and best loved brands of Cuban cigars throughout the world. In regards to the strength of the cigars, they are rated moderate to full.
The Montecristo name comes from the famous Alexander Dumas novel, ‘The count of Montecristo’. This story was a firm favourite amongst the Lector to the Torcedores (Cigar Rollers) at the factory where the brand was founded in 1935. Legend has it that an individual would read aloud to the rollers while they worked and this particular title was the most popular. This was perhaps not a surprise as the book’s hero is a cigar smoking character named Edmond Dantes.
The brand’s British distributor designed the now famous Montecristo logo, which consists of a triangle of six swords surrounding a fleur-de-lis. The brand and the logo were an immediate hit.
The original line of Montecristo had only five numbered sizes of cigars. A tubed cigar was then added to the lineup sometime in the 1940’s which went undisturbed until after nationalisation. With the original owners, Menendes and Garcia gone after 1959, the brand was annexed by the government and one of the most accomplished torcedores, Jose Manuel Gonzales, was promoted to manager and introduced new sizes and styles to the line. In the 1970s and 1980s, Gonzales added five new sizes.
Montecristo’s perfectly balanced blends are created with selected wrapper, filler and binder leaves from the Vuelta Abajo, home of the finest tobaccos in the world. All variations of flavour offer a distinguished aroma and appeal equally to new and experienced smokers.
Today, Montecristo accounts for approximately one quarter of Habanos S.A.’s worldwide cigar sales. The Montecristo is the most popular Cuban cigar in the world.
Montecristo Cigars Selection
If you would like to know all the cigar types within the Montecristo collection, please see below:
- Montecristo Edmundo
- Montecristo Eagle
- Montecristo Double Edmundo
- Montecristo Petit Edmundo
- Montecristo No.1
- Montecristo No.2
- Montecristo No.3
- Montecristo No.4
- Montecristo No.5
- Montecristo Petit No.2
- Montecristo Especial No.2
- Montecristo Joyitas
- Montecristo Master
- Montecristo Media Corona
- Montecristo Tubos
- Montecristo Petit Tubos
- Montecristo Junior
- Montecristo Regata
Contact Us
Thank you for reading our blog on Montecristo cigars, we hope that you found it interesting. If you would like to know more or want to order some Montecristo cigars, please contact us today at Taylors Tobacconists.