New World Cigars History
When thinking of cigars, it is likely that those of the Cuban variety are the first to spring to mind. These include brands such as Cohiba, Romeo y Julieta and Montecristo, all really popular choices. But, the quality and freshness of new world cigars should not be discounted either.
New world cigars are cigar types that have not originated from Cuba and while they aren’t steeped in tradition like their Cuban counterparts, they are becoming increasingly sought after. In this blog post, we at Taylors Tobacconists are going to explore the growing popularity of these cigar types, as well as showcasing the range of new world cigars that we have to offer.
Increasing Popularity
As mentioned above, Cuban cigars have always been the preeminent force, but this is slowly changing. Not only is this down to the quality and flavour of the new world cigars increasing year on year, but the Cuban trade embargo has also played a massive role.
Since the embargo was introduced in 1961, new world cigars have dominated the US market in particular, with their influence spreading worldwide in the years since. It should also be mentioned that thanks to the rich land in Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic specifically, the flavours produced by the new world cigars can now genuinely rival their Cuban equivalents.
New World Cigars Types
If you are interested in purchasing any new world cigars from us here at Taylors Tobacconists, please find below the brands that we offer:
- Al Capone
- Backwoods
- Cafe Creme
- Castella
- Clubmaster
- Davidoff
- Hamlet
- Handelsgold
- Henri Winterman
- Hofnar
- Italico
- King Edward
- La Paz
- Meharis
- Neos
- Petit Sumatra
- Phillies
- Royal Dutch
- Signature
- Toscano
- Villiger
Contact Us
If you found this blog useful and would like to find out more/purchase some new world cigars, please feel free to contact us today. We hope to hear from you soon.